13th LIVE Round of Magnificent Mediumship - NOW OPEN

With my Magnificent Mediumship program, I'll show you how.
There is SO MUCH MORE.
MORE life to live.
MORE success to enjoy.
MORE love to delight in.
MORE joy to experience.
MORE abundance to be had.
There is MORE to you.
It’s time for you to be MAGNIFICENT.

How different would your life look if you knew you were being guided every step of the way?
Always knowing you were moving towards something even greater.
Filled with faith, and never fear.
Imagine if you could show others how to live like this too?
It’s time to ask for what you want, and expect to get it.
To get out of your head, and start listening to your heart.
To live life from the highest vibration imaginable.
It’s time to tune in and connect in ways you’ve only dreamed of.
Energy Workers aren't born, they are CALLED.
You deserve it. And the world deserves you.
I'm Ready!
How does it FEEL to BE a
Magnificent Medium?

Kelly T.
"Since I began Magnificent Mediumship I have felt a calmness! I always knew I had some sort of gift and the moment I chatted to Victoria I knew this course was something I needed to do. Before MM I was agitated and didn't feel complete even though I knew I was lucky and blessed, I have always wanted to be more in touch with my spiritual side.
Since MM I feel like I have changed. I had a repetitive dream for years that had a little girl in it, I knew she needed my help but I had no idea what to do. Victoria helped me set her free and since then I have been able to sleep and feel at ease.
Working with Victoria was amazing! She is such a vibe and being in her aura was something special. Vic is so gifted and talented and her happy mood and kindness shine so brightly."
It’s time to use YOUR GIFTS and SHINE.
There’s an AMAZING NEW REALITY waiting for YOU.

Fear-Busting Activations
Rid yourself of the fears that keep you trapped
Clear negative and stuck energy with powerful meditations

Intuition Up-Levelling
Learn to trust your instincts
Receive and act on the powerful guidance available to you
Discover your personal GPS to take you anywhere you want to go
Get out of your head and live from your heart and soul
Experience unconditional faith over fear

Energy Alignment
Create whole body and soul connections
Experience powerful energetic shifts
Get comfortable choosing you
Drop addictions and experience real joy
Discover a sense of inner peace

Rachael G.
"What I loved about Magnificent Mediumship was the invitation to start on a journey of self-alignment and discovery. Victoria helped me identify my soul's purpose and gave me the courage to delve deep into myself to acknowledge my true potential. Our group was, and still is, a fantastic, safe and supportive space that gently transformed the way I view myself, my loved ones and the universe. Truly life-changing"
Magnificent Mediumship is the BLUEPRINT

Channel & Talk to Spirit
Receive my personal blueprint for how I speak with spirit, and together we’ll discover the best way for you to communicate with spirit

Energy Shifting
Learn how to feel and manupulate energy
Differentiate between the emotions and feelings of spirit and human
Tune into and recognise the energy of others
Discover how to flow to spirit energy while maintaining boundaries

The Art of Reading Cards
- Learn to read and receive guidance from cards using the power of intuition
What are my Magnificent Mediums saying?
MAGNIFICENT MEDIUMSHIP is for ANYONE desiring to enhance their connection to SPIRIT and dial-up their 'hidden' SUPERPOWERS.
Yes. I'm ready to use my gifts and SHINE!
Dawn J.
"What I loved about Magnificent Mediumship was being able to discover how freaking potent I am in a supportive, loving, non-judgemental space. I now have the skills to continue building my awareness and create a life I have always desired."
Is it time to step out of the 3D and into the 5D?
A new paradigm is here for YOU.

DNA Activation
Discover what’s waiting to be activated within your DNA
Shine a light on your hidden abilities
Feel safe moving into, and sharing your talents
Start living life on purpose

Intention Setting for Manifestation
It’s time to ask for what you want and expect to get it
Feel worthy of receiving everything you desire
Become confident in your ability to be a fantastic medium
Live an incredible life on your terms

Soul Retrieval
Reconnect those fragments of your soul that may have been lost due to trauma
Receive the tools to help others do the same

Norine D.
"What I loved about Magnificent Mediumship was the invitation to start on a journey of self-alignment and discovery. Victoria helped me identify my souls purpose and have me the courage to delve deep into myself to acknowledge my true potential. Our group was, and still is, a fantastic, safe and supportive space that gently transformed the way I view myself, my loved ones and the universe. Truely life changing 💖."

Human Design
A virtual manual or map to show your unique purpose
Discover how to live in alignment with who you’re meant to be
Finally you can feel whole and perfect

Chakras & Auras
Learn to understand and read the basic chakra system
Cleanse and balance chakras
Enhance your energetic aura
- Develop increase awareness and understanding

Clearing Entities
Learn to quickly and effortlessly clear yourself and others of unwanted energetic attachments.
Rid yourself of entities that have left you feeling exhausted and out of sorts.

Jess M.
"Wow I can hands down say this course is next level like crazy scary but exciting level ! I’ve done a few of Victoria’s groups now and this one I was abit hesitant about but I followed the energy as that’s just what I do if it feels like a fuck yeh then I’m in it I’ll figure the rest out later 😆 but for me personally I came into this class never ever reading cards or even owning any now out of no where I’m pulling cards for people and I’m going live in our group and actually getting positive feed back it’s an amazing feeling and honestly I feel this is just the start and the push I needed to move pass the fear and just go with my heart not my head I love this course and I love vic you will never be disappointed with the content it’s amazing and helpful!"
When the confirmations come through...

Interpret Your Intuition
Discover how your own unique perception can help to interpret your intuition
Recognise signs and synchronicities
Learn to trust your intuition

Quantum Leaping
You’ll learn to create what you want faster by shifting from the slower, denser 3 dimensional living into the creative 5 dimensional energetic space.
In 5D, everything happens at phenomenal speed with ease, grace and joy.

Daily Magic
- You deserve to have magnificent days. With the right practices in play you’ll learn how to set yourself up for success on a daily basis

Michelle C.
"I joined Magnificent Mediumship out of curiosity and to gain further understanding of this different way of thinking and life. What I had no idea about was the level of personal development that would actually come out of this course. The Human Design topic is mind-blowing and yet it all makes sense. Victoria doesn't just touch on the surface of any topic in Magnificent Mediumship, she dives deep and challenges your thinking. Her knowledge and teaching style appeals to everyone and she makes learning this stuff effortless, she shows you how to unlock your gifts that have been there all along.
After Magnificent Mediumship I feel more at peace, I feel more clear and confident with who I am. I would recommend working with Victoria, no matter what path you choose. Whether it is Mediumship or Coaching she is amazing!"
Is Magnificent Mediumship right for YOU?
OMG! This feels LIGHT and EXPANSIVE!
YES!You are here for a reason...
Included in Magnificent Mediumship Certification
BUY NOW🎉 Celebrations with my 2023 Magnficent Mediums 🥳

Phillip A.
"What I loved about Magnificent Mediumship was working with the others in the group, and seeing the growth in the confidence in everyone's reading. My own confidence took a step up when the confirmations came through."