đź”® Oracle - Pay in Full

🗝️ Unlock your potential and step into your soul purpose today!

6 Live Sessions where we dive deep into ancient teachings and embody the three pillars of your existence: The Goddess portal, The Starseed portal, and The Humanoid portal.

  • Reconnecting with the Mystery Schools of Your Past Lives:
    Explore the wisdom of ancient mystery schools to integrate your soul’s knowledge, bringing clarity and purpose to your current path.
  • Sisterhood and DNA Activation:
    Join a sacred sisterhood and undergo a powerful DNA upgrade, aligning with the timelines and soul streams that support your highest good.
  • Clearing Portals to the Galactic Realm:
    Open galactic portals to connect with your cosmic lineage, gaining confidence and a profound sense of belonging.
  • Unlocking Prosperity and Abundance:
    Receive a universal prosperity shower, unlocking new potentials and aligning with abundance to bring forth your highest aspirations.
  • Activating Your Soul’s True Power:
    Each session will deepen your connection to your true power, guiding you to step confidently into your purpose.
  • Embodying Your Galactic and Earthly Mission:
    By the end of this journey, you’ll embody the awakened wisdom and power within, ready to live your soul’s mission.

Special Offer:
This week only, receive 80% off the regular price of $1,666. Join this exclusive first-time beta experience to activate your highest potential at an unbeatable price.

$333.00 USD

I understand that this group is for women only. I agree to respect the intellectual property of Victoria Bond & acknowledge a no refund policy. I am making an empowered decision that feels light and expansive, and I am so excited for this opportunity for growth and expansion.